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Unveiling Cannon Valley’s Masterplan

Queensland based Alder Developments has lodged a Development Application to The Whitsunday Regional Council to develop a brand new urban master planned community on a 102-hectare parcel of land at Cannon Valley.

The proposal includes a mix of diverse housing, retail, commercial, and educational land uses which will be delivered in 20-plus stages over approximately 10 years.

The site is conveniently positioned on the main arterial road leading into the Whitsundays township of Airlie Beach. Currently a farm site, the property fronts Shute Harbour Road and Gregory Cannon Valley Road.

Alder Developments General Manager Mr Tupicoff says “the master planned community will provide a range of diverse housing opportunities including apartments, townhouses and residential land offerings, designed to combat the housing crisis and meet the needs of the growing market.”

“More than 900 dwellings will be delivered over the life of the project, with a mix of one and two bedroom apartments right through to large detached two storey homes on generous blocks of land,” Mr Tupicoff said.

“The masterplan consists of more than 500 residential lots ranging from 250sqm up to 1,000sqm with the majority between 450sqm to 700sqm, ideal for young couples, retirees and growing families.”

Mr Tupicoff says reports show there are 1,500 more people living in the Whitsundays than Council statistics predicted two years ago, with the lack of supply of affordability issues causing housing stress in the region.

“The development will offer affordable land options to the market in an area which the Whitsundays Regional Council has designated in their 2021 Structure Plan as a major growth area for the Whitsundays,” he said.

“The Whitsunday region also has a significant shortage of rental accommodation for workers, particularly affordable rental accommodation. This is having real impacts on workforce attraction in a region driven by its tourism and mining industries, so affordable rental accommodation is an important element included within the master planning.

“The masterplan will also feature retail, commercial, and possibly educational land uses for the growing market, along with parklands with shaded areas, play areas, utilities, and community facilities for the enjoyment of residents and locals alike.”

More than 40 per cent of the site, equating to approximately 44 hectares, will be dedicated green space for parks, wetlands or lakes, environmental space and green pathway networks, subject to approvals and desired outcomes.

The application lodged has requested permission to allow for a school, medical premises or retirement lifestyle village, delivery of which will be subject to demand.

The proposal also includes significant delivery of a host of new infrastructure including pipes, roads, sewer and water facilities, pathways, park equipment and revegetated green space for environmental purposes.

“The concept master plan will evolve as the project undergoes assessment with Council and community input, plus more detailed design.  Any concept changes along the way will be consistent with community feedback and market demands.”

The site is centrally located just 12 minutes from Airlie Beach, 15 minutes to Proserpine and 55 minutes to Bowen.

Alder Developments is currently developing and selling the last major subdivision in the suburb of Airlie Beach, a 24-hectare development known as Airlie Summit. Airlie Summit has development approval for the creation of 89 new residential lots, including two super lots suitable for higher density apartment style units, and is actively selling.

Enquiry should be directed to the Alder Developments team only 5514 4900 or

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