Bowen Marina

The site is located within the Bowen Marina Precinct at the end of Henry Darwen Drive. The property is approximately 1.5-kilometers from the main street of Bowen and has easy access to the Great Barrier Reef. With the land being owned by the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Alder Developments has acquired the head lease on a section of the Bowen Marina. The site is a mixed use multi tenancy property which includes storage sheds, hardstand area and 22 marina berths that line the southern boundaries.

Alder Developments has formed a strategy and an action plan for delivery to reinvigorate this precinct.

Leasing opportunities available, enquire today for industrial and marine uses.


The Whitsunday region as a whole, including Bowen to its north, is a seaside community that has the Coral Sea and Whitsunday network of islands as its key attraction.

The coastline of the region borders the Coral Sea and has stretches of magnificent beaches and rugged seaside terrain that is a key attraction for tourism and a desirable place for people to want to live and enjoy. This lifestyle appeal has also led to a large volume of boat owners wanting to visit the region and utilise marine infrastructure.

The demand and volume of boats in the region is rapidly growing, to the point where marina berths and services are hard to secure and vital marine maintenance industries have not kept up with the pace of the rapid influx of boats. The Whitsunday region’s population is expected to exceed the State’s annual growth rate in the coming years, resulting in a resident population of 50,000 by 2036 with just under 5 million visitor nights each year.


To develop the Bowen Marina into a high-quality marina asset that will be a catalyst for growth within the Bowen Harbour providing critical community amenity and facilities for boat berthing, general marine maintenance, provision of vital “rest, recovery and repair” for the boating fraternity, tourism, and potentially marine research and conservation, all of which will generate increased business activity and employment opportunities within the Bowen region.

To attract marine industry tradespeople to Bowen and to foster the next generation of tradespeople through school based and full-time apprenticeships. And that the Bowen Marina, be complimentary to Alder’s other high-quality assets and developments in the Whitsunday region.


The site is perfect for marine industry and marine tourism uses and will offer the opportunity for commercial leasing and marina berth leasing opportunities.

Alder Developments is currently taking expression of interest enquiries for leasing opportunities which include commercial or marina-based offerings. 


If you are interested, please contact Alder Developments and one of our team members will be in touch. | 07 5514 4900