
Beenleigh is about to boom

Beenleigh is a Principal Activity Centre and over the past few years has had a revitalisation including Beenleigh Square, refurbishment of government buildings, new ring roads and intersections as well as new small commercial buildings.

Today there are 8 new multi-storey apartment projects recently finished or under construction in the Beenleigh CBD area with a new commercial, medical, fast food and dining precinct opening in the Beenleigh retail heart in 2020.

Local, State and Federal Government have major departments invested in the Beenleigh area such as Logan Water, Qld Transport and Main Roads, a major Police station, Fire and Emergency Services, Centrelink, Medicare, plus the key members of government – Bert van Mannen, Melissa McMahon and Karen Murphy.

Private investment is flowing into Beenleigh.  Government investment is significant and will likely continue with thousands of square metres of leased space and new infrastructure planned for the region.

This is the beginning of the boom, and it is exciting for Alder Developments, in partnership with investLogan, to be part of this initial economic expansion.

Locals not happy with Beenleigh high rise

A town south of Brisbane will soon see its first high-rise building in more than a decade, with hopes it'll provide an economic boost to the area.But, as #9News reports, not all businesses in Beenleigh are pleased with the decision.

Posted by 9 News Queensland on Tuesday, 12 May 2020

The Development Approval for The York was a significant milestone, with ample building space under and over public road, clever design of the levels to maximise an efficient build and best in class quality finishes.


Aired 9 News | 13 May 2020


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